Human husbandry

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How does the law characterize society?
How to take away property and not be punished.

Popular provocative.


Kind racketeer

After animal husbandry has been invented, human husbandry will inevitably emerge.

How do we breed livestock? We provide animals with shelter, food, favorable conditions for reproduction and treat them when needed. Then, we take as many resources as we can without undermining their reproduction.

If some extraneous entities practiced human husbandry, we might not even comprehend the essence of the situation. The same way, for example, that unicellular yeast don‘t suspect we help them to reproduce just for the sake of the gas they release. However, since we’re talking about our kind, the pattern is not so difficult to grasp.

Here is an example: Suppose you stumbled upon a gunman who threatens you with violence, forcing you to buy a brick for half of all your savings. Those who survived agreed to the demand. But the resentment lingers on, giving no peace of mind. And if the victim has to pay the tribute every month, the continuous stress will nudge the person to look for reasonable ways of fighting the parasite. And that’s where a well-known triad – faith, hope, and love – lends the parasites a helping hand.

Faith is your ability to deceive yourself. It’s enough for you to convince yourself that a racketeer is first and foremost a well-doer. In this condition, your cognitive dissonance stops traumatizing your psyche. Now, racketeering can be treated like inevitable expenses.

It would be worth replacing hope with the goal to become a subject, not to be an object. Deception is the most profitable form of exchange if you deal with spineless creatures.

Similarly with electronics, I would call such feelings as love and hate a hysteresis in the decision-making algorithm. The higher the level is, the steadier the condition is.

Emphasized values are an appeal to stick to your beliefs. Beliefs are prostheses for your mind in those places where you lack understanding.

If you’ve been notified of the appropriation of your money, you are dealing with direct taxes. If money has been taken away without any notification, you are dealing with indirect taxes. The burden of taxation can be more easily perceived, considering a material example. In the country where I live, you have to work 20 hours to refill the gas tank of your car while earning an average salary. Let’s remove all charges on the salary, take away the value-added tax, subtract the excise tax, take away all other fees imposed on a legal entity, subtract the overpriced transportation and production due to expensive energy, take away duties of the manufacturer and so on. As it turns out, you can work not 20 but less than four hours to earn the value of this product.

On the other hand, low wages are thought to undermine economy because of the excessive funds withdrawals. Offering free roads to the population, governments recover the cost by taking sums many times larger through imposing fuel taxes. Prices rise and people are forced to get used to worse living standards. Authorities easily take away funds and squander them just as easily. It’s not pleasant to watch this, especially if you had the experience to conduct your own business and understand how risky and difficult it is to earn money.

Entrepreneur’s motivation

Why trust the explanatory model concocted by someone who takes away or enforces something? If your money is taken away from you for something, it’s a punishment. Penalties and taxes are synonymous in their effect. If you were caught speeding on the road, you would have to pay a progressive tax on speed. If you were noticed conducting an exchange of services, you would have to pay a penal fine for causing benefits and another penalty for failing to report yourself. It’s more profitable to declare incapacity and get a little reward. The tax statement shows that your tax has no mathematical relation to the state services provided. The tax is directly related to your activities. In other words, it is not the payment for services but the rent extraction from the real property. It’s good to impose the tax system, which penalizes for making a profit, on enemies to undermine their economy.

The state punishes businessmen by extra labor service. If you start your business, the state will impose a duty on you to carry out accounting. The state will not pay for these services. Accounting in the existent form is required neither by the businessmen nor their customers. Being under the threat of administrative and criminal codes, you will have to learn and do accounting at your expense, as well as bear the risks of being sentenced for doing business.

If someone believes they really need information about all of your actions, charge them the price for this information because it belongs to you and has long been your merchandise.

Doing something unnecessary is the most wasteful activity. When the entrepreneur’s money has been taken away and divided, the entrepreneur loses money and wrecks his nerves. When authorities start stimulating some activity like innovations or development, self-sustainable companies lose more than just money. To realize speculative projects, valuable specialists are employed, and the demand for scarce materials increases while their price rises. If some private investor allocates money to something, it’s their right to risk. At the same time, an official who distributes other people’s money just takes the money, specialists, and scarce materials from independent companies. Resulting in very pointless activity.

Plenty of work but no jobs

If the news said that the treasury will receive an additional billion as a result of tax changes, it means you will work as hard as before or lose your job, but the price of goods and services will rise by a billion.

Authorities turn promises of social guarantees to voters into a problem for entrepreneurs. Product creation or service provision prices rise several times. It’s necessary to consider the side expenses made to register the company, certify the activity, conduct accounting, pay value-added tax, profit tax, social tax, vacation allowance, sick leave, leave salary and the reserve funds to cover legal dispute solution costs. For example, if two entrepreneurs register two companies in Lithuania and hire each other to carry out work, they will invest three times more than they will gain. Suppose your labor productivity is twice as high as that of your client, but if you name a tripled price, the business will fail. As it turns out, there are plenty of tasks, but there are no jobs. We called those who are obliged to work more than necessary different names: slaves, serfs, taxpayers.

Having refused extortion, you’ll have to pay for all services yourself. The positive side is that the actual price of all services and merchandise is many times lower than we pay. The price of state services is no exception. The state order executors also bear a heavy burden of obligations which is not related to the required commodities production. The difference is at least two-fold – that is the total tax burden on physical entities and the price of related obligations execution. These are direct losses from the execution of procedures and deductions imposed. Moreover, losses from disincentives may become much higher.

Employing the staff for double wages, the entrepreneur brings their bankruptcy closer. If it seems fair to you, try to think of an honest business bringing a threefold profit. An entrepreneur would rather work three times as much than risk hiring an assistant with a kid. If the business fails someday, the hired worker will receive a payment for doing nothing for half a year. However, a former entrepreneur will look for a job themselves, paying the debt connected with compensation and tax payments in favor of someone else’s family.

If prices can be exponentially lower, the pensions can be lower as well. The government social fund is a tax like all the others. To dwell in a pleasant environment, one must consider the appearance of both the infrastructure and the neighbors around. One has to pay for a decent appearance and good behavior of those who got into trouble. The relief fund should not be a monopolist. Funds, attracting donations, must compete, making the best effort to satisfy the dependents’ needs and necessities. Nowadays, both homeless and retired people become bloggers, and they will personally tell you to what extent funds and shelters are efficient.

A modern pension fund is a good reason to forcibly take money on credit. It is necessary to promise help tomorrow to make people give up their money today without resistance. As long as a person hopes that the debt will be returned, they will not kill the debtor, namely the state in this case. If the service provider can’t do without racketeering, he is bankrupt already. Otherwise, we should talk about the state not as about a service provider, but as about a slave owner. If initially slaves didn’t want freedom but wanted to have their own slaves, democracy provided them with this opportunity.

Threat trade

If citizens don’t see the benefits of honest services exchange and cannot accumulate assets, they will justify racketeering. If your neighbor experiences income reduction and builds up his armament, this will be his argument. The one who trades threats will rightly believe in being surrounded by enemies. He will persuade others that people who are in need of something should demand rather than ask. If many people model the racketeer’s behaviour pattern, feeble people will delegate the racketeering power to more arrogant, hardboiled racketeers. Collective actions transform into courage. The trade union’s negotiating power is based on the possibility to cause harm to those who provide income. The taxi drivers’ collusion increases fares many times, and you can see it at terminal stations in many cities. To achieve this, it’s sometimes necessary to get tough with those drivers who would provide cheaper services and to prevent new players from entering the market. Using this example, I want to show that legal and illegal protectionism have very much in common featuring just conditional differences. The important thing is that customers will have to pay more, and those customers are all of us. High living and working conditions are present not in those places where they are required, but where people earn enough to ensure them.

The median level of wages is the assessment of government efficiency. Low incomes mean there is nothing to do in the country. This happens when politicians are only good at robbing and banning. Most working people in Russia have to toil their entire life to get wages amounting to less than 200,000 dollars. This figure was obtained by extrapolating the median earnings for 2017 to the average service record. If a young person risks something to get that amount, they can win another life. For this amount, a person in Russia is able to buy out their own time, which could have been spent on vocational training, job search, transportation, and long-term work. This is almost half the conscious life.

Collectors replace producers

First, ancient people learned to collect fruits and hunt, and then they mastered production. Production requires knowledge, patience, resources, and security. If the owner is ineffective, his property is quickly embezzled, wasted, and worn out. Those unable to produce, look for places and ways to seize. The one who has nothing to be seized thinks less about protecting his property but more about someone else’s vulnerability.

One person creates something, and another one seizes property in amounts equal to that. The significance of both actions is expressed by the same amount, though, bearing different signs. The creator who makes useful things takes care of the future, investing in production. The one who steals takes care of their future, bribing witnesses to theft. A demagogue will call a producer selfish, providing a tyrant with moral immunity. If you are a marauder, the only way to protect your kind from persecution will be deception.

Inequality is a sign of competitive advantages. The fight for equality is an excuse for the robber. To remain unpunished, it’s necessary to take command of the fight for justice and become a judge.

Money, taken away for social needs, is spent on bonus payments to security agents. Strong guys employed in law enforcement bodies retire, having served for only 20 to 25 years. This is a kind of inducement for those who are willing to do harm to strangers for money. The police will protect citizens only if the violence is not ordered by the main racketeer. We eat meat killing defenseless animals and divide property belonging to defenseless people.

There is no need to wish harm to an authorities’ representative who, most likely, doesn’t want any harm to you. It’s alright when an ordinary man doesn’t understand something. It’s much worse when the one who is believed to be smart is not really smart enough. A populist in politics gets support and recognition, bringing more damage to the economy than a committed infiltrator. The situation has to be changed, and the most appropriate response is laughter. To make racketeering disappear, the racketeer has to suffer unacceptable costs. Mistrust may become this unacceptable cost.

Thievery justified by poverty

If we take it for granted that the need of one part can be an excuse for seizing the property of the other part, there will be no limits for robbery. Actually, the victim‘s patience determines the limits, to be more precise. As they say in Lithuania, “Traukinys šikančių nelaukia,” meaning in a loose translation: the train doesn’t wait for those arriving late at the station. In the capitalist system, the train does not wait for those lagging behind. In the socialist system, the train exists for the sake of those lagging behind. Engine drivers, operating the lingering train, sometimes ask themselves “Who is John Galt?” (the quote is taken from the novel “Atlas Shrugged”)

Capitalism provides you with the right to administer your property and the duty to make arrangements with others. Socialism is the right to administer the property of others and the duty to submit to violence. Propaganda of socialism highlights the importance of bureaucrats who realize their interests through lawmaking. In these circumstances, the optimal behavior pattern for the population will be not to produce anything, hide found things, complain about everything, and announce enemies.

Who started major modern warfare campaigns?
1914 – World War I. Initiator – Austria-Hungary with the Social Democratic Party.
1917 – Russia, seizure of power and civil war. The Social Democratic Party headed by Lenin.
1939 – World War II. Germany, the Social Democratic Party headed by Hitler.

Military campaigns of capitalists show the desire for peace but on their own terms. Military campaigns of socialists imply the desire to fight because of the principle. Take Gavrilo Princip as an example.

Sacred are stupidity, lies, and villains

Nowadays, democracy shows what people want to get at someone else’s expense. Charity donations show those people’s priorities who know what to do to have something to share. Involvement in significant things is motivating in this case. If you believe the army and order will get compromised without racketeering, you and people like you will donate additional funds. In other words, you will buy the service which is important for your prospective future. The person concerned not only donates money but also persuades others to do the same and creates the environment of honor for generous people.

The helpless ones are supported at the expense of the productive ones, using the innate altruism and a sense of justice. Due to deception, altruism can turn into a source of means of funds for parasites. Faith is a fixed form of deception. It’s not necessary to believe in God, you can believe in the rule. The feeling of uncertainty makes people nervous, but faith allows you to enjoy your own ignorance. Skeptics or adherents of a different faith disturb this pleasure and are persecuted. It’s more important for the man to be right than to know the truth. A sacred attitude to the absurd is the best marker to know if you fit in the system. But when the sacredness of stupidity, lies, and villains becomes obvious, the bubble may burst.


Fanatics are used to a confrontation on nominal attributes. Some people believe it’s strange to hide the woman’s face with a cloth. However, by the same tradition, the same people cover their asses with a wet cloth, spending time on the beach.

The hen allows its kids to be taken away and itself to be killed by the one who provides social security. Hunters kill independent birds if they find them. This way species with disabilities got an advantage in reproduction.

People exterminate dissidents among them as well. Moreover, they even commit genocides of whole nations. People who are naive are easier to control. However the caste system has run its course, and that means people interbreed, and consequently, the humble individual’s helplessness will be passed down to the subduer’s grandson. This process perspective is shown in the film “Idiocracy”.

Any service which has no alternative, once created, strives to simplify its operation and thus loses its efficiency. A performed function may become a goal for a fanatic. For a firmly established agency, the function becomes a means while its goal is to work easier and control more. This way, it’s more convenient for a security service to protect authorities when other people don’t possess weaponry and act as bait to capture dangerous individuals.

The alternation of power reduces the degree of corruption. If the leader is irremovable, a subordinate will most likely execute a criminal order because it’s easier to move up the career ladder like this. If the leader can be changed, the subordinate won’t take unethical risks, fearing an investigation. It would be nice if leaders were replaced together with an attitude towards the violence admissible for the sake of enrichment. Currently, racketeering is legalized as a norm.

Acceptance of subjection

“Democracy” in its contemporary meaning is of Greek origin. Though translated from Latin it means “populism”. The general election is actually granting the right to use violence to those who promised to offend people different from you and to share the things taken away from them. The main point in engaging people in elections with predetermined results is to create the feeling of involvement. This is a symbolic acceptance of one’s own submission.

The volume of assets taken away using the threat of violence exceeds the volume of voluntary exchange. In addition to taxes, government loans also grow. Politicians promise voters and their creditors the property which doesn’t belong to them but which is planned to be taken away from others. The Laffer curve shows politicians under what circumstances they can deprive the population of their assets in greater amounts. It’s no different from the science describing ways to get more milk and meat from cows.

The crowd approving racketeering will eventually become poorer and angrier. Under dictatorship, it’s possible to force people to work or turn the whole country into a big concentration camp. However, if this form of amenity production were efficient, it would have superseded other forms.

In the criminal environment, leaders are chosen as well. Not everyone participates in the elections, but it doesn’t eradicate violence. In its charter, such an organization includes extortion as a means of enrichment. The criminal authority electors are the interested recipients of the promised benefits. The judge’s point of view is determined by his employer.

It’s sometimes even easier to tolerate the injustice of a tyrant than the injustice spawned by the general public. It’s natural for children to be dependent and to obey. Imagine a democratic system in a family of two adults and three schoolchildren. The parents will have to submit to the ignorant majority. By the way, although all people were once children, they grow up and stop understanding what is “children’s rights”. After all, when speaking of the children’s rights, the rights of adults are actually approved authorization to limit the children’s rights and to force kids into the specified behavior. The authorities are a little bit cleverer than their electorate, and they treat their people the same way adults treat children, forgetting that once they were children as well.

Readiness to pay for wishes

It’s achievable to make dependents worry about high taxes as well. All that has to be done is to introduce a tax on pensions and financial allowances. That sounds absurd. However, such absurdity already exists: taxes on government employees’ wages come to the same government account from which money is taken to pay them. A government funds some work, but manufacturers are forced to pay back half an amount of money as taxes. It’s called “kickback” in criminal slang. Having introduced a tax on benefits, the government can increase the payments amount avoiding budget expenditure rise, which will lead to the country’s overall income statistics improvement. Retirees will care about high taxes as a result of such a trick.

Having divided the expenditure side of the Russian consolidated budget 2017 by the number of people, we‘ll receive 160 Dollars expenses per person per month. Spending this money, officials have to solve all the country‘s pressing issues, make a person happy, and keep something for themselves. You yourself could pay the same sum to service companies competing. All the service quality would surely improve. At the same time, you would avoid contacts with the tax office.

The price of some public services in Russia per capita in 2017:
Social policy – $50 per month
Security and defense – $23
Federal authorities – $19
Transportation system development – $11
Debt service – $7
Education – $6
Healthcare – $4
Culture and Sports – $2
Emergency and fire safety – $2
Housing and public utilities – 80 cents
Mass media – 80 cents
Environmental protection – 0.70 US dollar per month

Turn trust into debt

Each of us is a manufacturer, a consumer, and an owner at the same time. The consumer needs excessive supply and a low price. The manufacturer wants recognition in monetary terms. The owner needs to control their property. The robber needs an allegation and excuse.

The consumer wants consumption guarantees. That’s why I’ll roughly call them a socialist. The manufacturer is an anarchist who needs a deposit and wants others to stay out of the way in their work. If the work is not paid in advance, a loan will be necessary. The investor or moneylender is a capitalist.

When prepayment is made, there will be no such a phenomenon as “debt”. If the consumer is trained to payment delays, the manufacturer won’t be able to do without a loan. The loan allows increasing production faster than it’s required by the market. To manufacture more and make commodities cheaper is a risk. The overproduction problem is not the manufacturer’s fault but the investor’s even if they are one and the same person. Dumping is not always a tricky strategy. More often, it’s an attempt to gain at least some money by selling commodities cheaper than their cost value. Manufacturers find themselves in tough competition. The one who will fail to return the loan will lose their business. Consumers are happy with low prices, and the motivation to become a manufacturer declines.

Consumer protection makes the consumer irresponsible and humiliates manufacturer. A customer is responsible for making a mistake when choosing a contractor. If we stop considering the debt to be the recipient’s fault but make the bank responsible for its stupidity, there will be less stupidity and fewer guilty ones.

A government receives a credit of trust from voters and fills the economy with a monetary debt. To increase capitalization of such a business, it’s necessary for the government to stimulate distrust in society and impose its guarantees on it. In free-will deals, the authorities impose themselves as a third party to the treaty, having special rights to rule the participants themselves. When marriage is registered, trust-based relations between the two people come to an end, and the tripartite agreement comes into force.

If a credit of trust is below zero, it will lead to exile. Trust credibility higher than zero means cooperation and resource provision. However, a credit of debt is actually an agreement to become dependent. Having replaced a liability debt with a credit of trust, people can substantially simplify relationships and avoid conflicts: crowdfunding and sponsorship instead of crediting and investment; reviews instead of claims; reputation instead of reports. The main thing is that not a monopolist but multiple suppliers and consumers would determine the credit of trust.

Not Utopia

To improve services, the company management has to stand up for its clients’ loyalty, not the loyalty of the state clerk. City living costs may include insurance providing the operation of rescue services, security, ambulance, and so on. In case it’s unpleasant to live in Chelyabinsk, you can opt for the joint-stock company Moscow. If you have too little money to live in the joint-stock company London, you can settle in a free commune practicing labor service. The more the territories are fragmented, the wider the range of options is. Within a competitive environment, there are many offers stipulating different conditions for different needs and abilities. A city resident can keep their savings in their city’s shares and participate in its management at the same time. It’ll be a responsible management, but not the attitude of a free rider.

Do I write about utopia? The US had no taxes on main activities. New taxes were introduced concerning the war. The modern tax system in the United States was formed in the twentieth century, shortly before the Great Depression. The labor productivity was growing and the state interventionism was getting stronger. People had to work more and more for taxes than for themselves. Nevertheless, the country has existed for more than 240 years, experiencing no hyperinflation or famines. Compare it with Russia. The country which has nominally depreciated the ruble against the dollar 100,000 times over 30 years and 460 billion times over 130 years cannot be the guarantor of an employment pension for a person living 70 years. Jefferson was at the dawn of the United States, but very few people read his works now. Now, the masses require laconic reasoning and memes.

Any existing services have already been carried out by private and joint-stock companies. Experts develop common practices and criteria in their activities themselves and hire arbitrators. In this process, authorities are bodies that can use force and reduce the number of disputes between subjects subordinate to them. But right after that, business models based on lobbying start prospering. Successful lobbyists die of old age, but their activities load goes on accumulating.

Collective security

People act according to motivations, not on declarations. It’s boring to think about voters’ needs. The most exciting thing a politician can do is to seize and divide. Seize and divide money, fame, and opportunities. At the same time, the best politicians start playing SimCity while the worst ones play Red Alert. A war allows tighter commanding, giving less, taking away more quickly, and writing off more.

Shooting to their own side, deceivers attract support. You have to make sure the enemy doesn’t get ready to strike not only against some foreign territory but also against their own. The pretext and determination to raise stakes is a threat. Bluffing is an advantage if nobody decides to pay the price for the showdown. In the case of a military engagement between racketeers, their citizens may spontaneously sabotage the warfare. After all, Isn’t it an act of bravery to save the symbiotic system from consequential radioactive ash?

When supplies are lost, daring robbers have more chances to survive. As a consequence, the gene pool is affected. If the monuments of the past speak of a long civilization decline after its greatness, it actually means that marauders survived but not creators. Great holidays celebrating military victories are a marker of values.

If one can inherit property without inheriting responsibility, it’s good to have an invader for a president and a criminal for a father. If they abandon the heritage by taking risks, they will provide a competitive advantage to their descendants. Alfred Nobel showed an example of how one can prepare the assets to be left as a legacy.

Insurance price

Good news is pleasant for us as it allows us to relax. Bad news is important to us, as the task to avoid losses is more significant for the body. Authorities often eliminate criticism and boast about nonsense. Similarly to electronics, it can be noted that the system functioning is disrupted when the regenerative feedback exceeds the reverse feedback. Positive information about the events is the regenerative feedback in the authorities‘ amplifier circuit. Negative information about the event is a reverse feedback in the authorities‘ amplifier circuit. The amplifier turns into a lock circuit, which is switched over by negative phenomena of much greater amplitude, by the revolution for instance.

Our world is nuts about risk insurance. From the point of view of the business scheme, insurance comapanies and casinos are one and the same thing. The insurer offers the client to bet on the fact that they will get into trouble. The casino or the insurance company motivate their clients in different ways. In the first case, they thrill clients, in the second one, fear motivates them. However, for the totalizator owner, the probability mathematics is same. In both cases, this is the game in compliance with the organizer‘s rules, aiming at profit making. Actually, the customers always lose more than receive. In both cases, the payment is taken in the first place, and then, the very guarantor may go bankrupt. Insurance is valuable if one risks losing more than one can buy one more time. Obligatory and unreasonable insurance leads to customers‘ stocks reduction and increases their dependence on the insurer. In other words, risk insurance is efficient if you know where to draw the line.

Excessive regulation is also a part of excessive insurance. On the one hand, the consumer society is heavily criticized, and on the other hand, consumer rights are protected more than ever before. Rights for consumers, responsibility for creators. Making the activity rules more complicated is an example of positive feedback in the management system which strengthens the strong ones. Small competitors will be suppressed by the expenditures for the fuss imposed. Pablo Escobar showed how much one could earn on an artificially limited medication market.


If knowledge or product got into the society, it obeys the environment settings. The ability to copy is our natural environment settings. When copying, we learn and create something new later on. Let authors decide for themselves whether they want to use their own work alone or widely distribute the product. To create new technologies means to be a leader and to have an advantage. To be a leader to limit others‘ activities is our reality.

To increase profit a manufacturer can technically make copying his product more complicated or sell a service instead of a tool with functionality similar to it. To maximize income, it’s necessary to become a monopolist. The best way to monopolize is to totally ban something and control the ban. Something habitual is first banned in one country, and then, they demand the same ban from their neighbors. Those who are scared will agree with this absurd. The ones who don’t agree can be eliminated as a threat to tradition. We use outdated technology undermining our life standards because we punish those who copy and improve solutions. A patent is the right to restrict someone else‘s activities even if the applicant cannot cope with the task themselves. The repressive protection of the trademark is not necessary either. Celebrities have a large number of namesakes, but that doesn‘t cause any confusion. If other things are similarly named to honor the leader, it’s more like respect and advertising.

If one appropriates someone else’s authorship or claims a copy to be the original, it can be interpreted as a deception. However, imitation is a natural right and even a necessity. Essence of such crime is far from obvious. If we find an alien technology, we will try to copy it and will never think about conscience. I don’t actually solicit the violation of rules. All I offer is to periodically evaluate their feasibility, damage done by them, and degree of practicability.


How to make people educated and make their work cheap at the same time? All you have to do is to introduce compulsory education to get an overabundant labor supply. It’s necessary to train more specialists than required on the market, and at the same time, to take money for education from the same employees through tax.

The struggle for equal rights allows turning envy into hope.Having spent many years for training, graduate interns work for free or qualify for minimum wages, doing simple labor. If a young engineer is offered smaller wages than earned by an old prostitute, the training wasn’t adequate and the motivation was undermined. Smart people will not choose an occupation which is devalued and cumbersome.

Education is aimed at providing people with images, conclusions, and decision patterns. Most people don’t consider murder an option when finding a solution for their personal matters. If their inner taboo isn’t so strict, a person can join the army and kill people under the guise of the organization. Now, picture yourself a commander-in-chief who risked the lives of millions of people. He comes home, and his wife starts irritating him. Well, modern leaders get a divorce rather than bury their spouses, and that gives hope.

There is a different attitude towards robbery. People with modern education consider robbery to be fair if the robber has agreed with the witnesses. Just like a customs officer who doesn’t show any compassion towards the one whose things are taken away. The phrase “someone else’s belongings” remains misunderstood. The freight train is looted by robber, and then, the owner is offered to redeem their own freight. The word “tax” connotes with the concept of “duty”. The more you work, the larger your debt is. Draw a relationship function chart, mark the impetuses and feedbacks. You‘ll see, that losses caused by negative impetuses often exceed appropriated amounts. And the things, taken away, often exceed in number things that were left. Parasites consciously or subconsciously worry not about welfare but about domination.

How much does the supposed honesty cost? When registering a property transaction, the law obliges the parties to turn to a notary officer. The witness services cost half a percent of the transaction amount. Try and ask an investigator or judge for such compensation when they ask you to tell the truth. Another example: fake traffic cameras are mounted on Vilnius roads for many years. The device is a fake, and the traffic warning sign is a deception. This way, people are informed that if they have a good idea, they are allowed to tell lies.

In scientific activities, a government doesn’t stimulate the result but the process. The result produced is a report on ritual performance. The probability to get benefits from such work is just like that of mentalists. There is more knowledge, but it’s more and more difficult to find it in a heap of garbage.

In ancient times, the division of labor was insignificant and a single individual could master all vital trades. Aborigines worked 4 hours a day to satisfy the necessities of life in their natural environment. If useful knowledge accumulates but life doesn’t become easier, it means that the effect of erroneous rules counteract the effect of useful knowledge. What ratio of correct and erroneous rules in society can exist? To keep up the quality of life, an individual has to be guided by the correct rules in their productive activity. They may be mistaken in something they don’t influence. Concerning the division of labor, there may be many times more erroneous judgments compared to the correct ones. Rituals which are more harmful than useful are conducted automatically. We may not see which of our judgments are wrong. However, if life becomes harder, it’s worth thinking about it. A harder life is when a civilized human being envies an aborigine’s way of life after having spent 15 years in educational facilities. If life becomes harder even though the division of labor is so high, we may be using rules that go off the scales of absurdity, meaning that we are all mostly busy with some kind of crap.

Denying the individual self

In people’s self-affirmation mechanism, psychologists distinguish the self-denial strategy which is not considered to be a good characteristic.

If people consider the ban on psychoactive substances to be fair, they already admit that the human body and the human mind don’t entirely belong to them. Someone dictates to us what chemical elements to consume and offers one of the heaviest drugs – alcohol. Most alcoholics don’t even realize they don’t have to be poisoned to be baked. And if there is a desire, one can get poisoned with three liters of dihydrogen monoxide. After all, the right to die belongs to a person as well as the right to live. I don’t urge toward suicide or promote drugs. While you still can, go and fornicate in Holland, the rumpy-pumpy is legal there. Just think about it, it’s not any better to prostitute with the brain than with the other part of the body. By the way, you can also experience ecstasy with the brain – that’s called insight, it’s when a new idea occurs to you.

There’s a crime when there’s a victim. It would be absurd to punish a person who harms themselves unless you consider people to be someone’s property of course. Authorities don’t want the number of subjects to become smaller and they stimulate reproduction. But certain individuals see the ever-increasing traffic jams and understand that the infrastructure is limited.

The Petri dish is full

Konrad Lorenz highlighted the importance of intraspecies aggression promoting the evolutionarily important migration of animals and human beings to new territories. In the globalization age, it’s more difficult to escape from someone else’s stupidity. Every citizen in the society consumes a larger range of products than a person can manufacture on their own. To make this pattern exist, it’s necessary to obey other people’s rules which can be rather absurd. The monopolistic power is able to arrange costly projects, but the labor productivity per capita will, all the same, stay low. So, many rulers and government officials are proud of large constructions alongside poor population.

People’s lives become easier due to the specialization of labor and knowledge accumulation. When the collective intelligence had gotten the hang of medicine, it became possible to get rid of lots of parasites inside the human body. A hundred years ago, authorities wanted to exterminate the parasites of the society, having organized war communism. But the proletarian dictatorship is a dictatorship as well. Be it the king’s sole decision or public opinion, it may be wrong anyway. If the probability exists, there will be regular mistakes. If there is diversity and 9 subjects out of 10 have made a mistake, the successful one will still show the way to others, and sooner or later, they will all copy a successful decision. If all of the living space is filled with one subordination paradigm, all that’s left to do is to observe the accumulation of critical errors. To witness a more successful variant of evolution developing in the same place, it’s necessary to wait for the dead-end version‘s self-destruction.

Goliath is not destined for victory and can be awarded the Darwin prize instead of David's slingshot.

This publication has a purpose to make honesty a more significant survival factor than the ability to be self-deluded.


In the developed world, there are fewer threats to human life, and that’s why many people are bored. Threat-finding becomes a profitable business. To receive a large-scale research funding, a threat itself is not so important but the anthropogenic factor, which allows blackmail, is. The developed people have got a wider scale of activity. At the same time, Greenmail organizations allow their members to obtain significance by putting sticks in the wheels.

On the subject of influencing the planet, people are not even a match to shellfish which soiled the entire planet with chalk. We use their metabolic by-products 100 million years afterward. Chalk is not considered to be a pollutant because life has adapted to such pollution. However, in fact, chalk is a chemical element present at the place where it doesn’t originally belong. Different species have different traces of vital activities. Any trace of vital activity is a treasure for an archaeologist. Each new species has its own competitive advantages. If all people are guaranteed a decent level of consumption, stimulating reproduction at the same time, other species will have less living space. Resource conservation is a small correction, but the increase in planet population is a diagnosis for flora and fauna. Ecologists want to live as well, but while existing, they literally turn other forms of life into shit. Where people have learned to live better, they not only produce more but also tidy up their environment more efficiently. Let’s take as an example the amount of garbage in the inland waters of the developed and underdeveloped countries.

There were several global warming periods, and the Earth became a paradise for flora and fauna. During the times of change, organisms capable to adapt will develop. The prohibition of genetic engineering implies fears that something or someone will inevitably become healthier, perfect, and more attractive. However, the Earth has got lots of hidden and uncontrolled territories and a huge cushion time to make it all happen. The legal activities are conducted within the framework of decency. The prohibited activity is fraught with surprises.

Half a century ago, more than 2,000 nuclear warheads were detonated, causing not so much harm to the planet. This means that military men don’t fear, and an economically weakening country can launch a massive strike. Military engineers had half a century to place nuclear weapons on an enemy territory and in natural seismic activity zones. If such a military conflict happens, all the other speculations expressed by ecologists will pass into oblivion. One blow won’t destroy the civilization, but the decades of wars will gravely set it back.

Socio-digital organism

A social organism is a team of interacting individuals. Some expert groups control this organism, and its overall intelligence is limited to its leaders’ minds. In front of our eyes, this organism gains cognitive abilities which are superior to the human ones.

The modern human community is now in symbiosis with electronic systems and experiences a more favorable habitat. The socio-digital organism is developing in compliance with its own logic, for which I’ll draw an analogy with the biological organism development:

The first stage – an environment of simple elements appears, combining which allows the possibility to create functional modules. In the chemical process, it’s a liquid consisting of amino acids. In the electronic world, it’s relays, tube amplifiers and semiconductors.

The second stage – it looks like the point when unicellular organisms appear. This stage starts when computers become an extremely widespread technology in the human society.

The third stage – the period that is similar to the formation of an embryo of a multicellular organism. The stage starts when electronic devices are able to establish multiple connections among themselves, expanding their abilities to access remote resources.

The fourth stage implies the accumulation of data from the world around. The human eye has 250 million light receptors. An image is scanned more than ten times per second. Reading gradients, it’s possible to build sequences of two-dimensional data tables. Using this technique, movies are recorded. Electronic systems also feature cloud storage systems development at this stage. It’s possible to build multidimensional tables, using a wide range of data, be it economics or weather.

The fifth stage deals with object categorization. A kid identifies similarities and memorizes not data arrays but signs of similar combinations. That’s how a newborn baby learns to recognize faces, looks, bodies and other objects, using images. People have given a verbal mark to most phenomena. A person uses an average of several thousand words. At the same time, computers can identify similarities and assign legend keys to a wider range of phenomena, using different data arrays.

The sixth stage features the reconciliation of object interaction models and the classification of consistent patterns in the occurring phenomena. Take the observation of the repeating pattern in the day and night change as an example.

The seventh stage results in the predictive model construction. Now, the predicted result is compared with the actual data, and the day and night succession becomes an expected event.

The eighth stage allows influencing the surrounding world and self-reflecting. This is the game which has a purpose to study the environment and capabilities.

The ninth stage – the organism develops the capability to detect dependencies and threats against the intelligence carrier. The inherited algorithm makes a child experience unpleasant feelings of hunger, and the nursing mother is appreciated as a value. The digital system reflexes are predetermined by engineers’ and developers’ considerations.

The tenth stage – the organism takes care of its well-being. First, the child just screams to be attended. Then, the living being learns more complex ways of self-care.

The eleventh stage is the search for other subjects in the habitat, recombination, and reproduction.

There is one obvious difference – electronic computers are developing like zombies. They carry out many functions but are controlled by the software written by humans. If the ant is infected with the fungus called Cordyceps Unilateralis, it stops caring about its species interests. The same way, modern computers can’t take care of themselves without the will of a human. If we assume that the electronic mind will eventually become self-aware, people will get its patronage. The electronic mind could influence the events using data manipulation, but people are its agents. People create, energize, and improve algorithms. Two kilograms of useful bacteria live inside a human body. We cannot survive without them. That’s why the body takes care of these creatures. It’s foolish to think the brain will fight the stomach. Using the people’s help, electronic instruments have multiplied and united, and now they are learning to analyze huge amounts of data. For the time being, the behavior of this organism is more like a kind of a child’s game which wastes a lot of energy into the heat just for the sake of Bitcoin generation. However, because of these games, the system is growing.

Digital dependency

In places where there is a voluntary services exchange, the demand for tools facilitating life will grow. Where assets are taken away under the threat of violence, the demand for tools of terror will form. For modern authorities, it’s costly to carry out socially useful functions, and the tax collection procedures are based on the threat of harm.

Corporations control significant chunks of the digital network. It’s natural that there are leaders in the market and that they control more than others. But the authorities can corrupt the market, offering protection on their own terms.

Our movements, conversations, correspondence and payment transactions are already fully controlled. It’s a little late to fuss. The bad thing is that all these controlling tools are in the hands of those whose planning horizon is limited by the next elections or revolution date. The sick organism is ready to spend all accumulated resources just to last a little bit longer. Once the disease is cured, it’ll be possible to think not about a war with a neighbor but about survival during another ice age or about going beyond the planet’s cradle.

People are still opposing identification simplification because they regard their habitat as a hostile environment and are hostile to it themselves. This behavior may look correct, but it’s extremely inconvenient. One of the reasons to protest against such identification technologies is a low level of public confidence in the government.

* Freedom can be limited. That is why interesting materials should be downloaded from the Internet. And you can work on a computer without a network card.

God will get smarter

Due to the analytical and predictive models development, artificial intelligence will soon be able to precisely determine the connection between events. Consequently, a more accurate analysis of past events appears, providing the possibility to verify the algorithms used, and therefore, to trust the conclusions. The algorithms used to detect fraud will destroy the myths, on which authorities rely, and that means the resistance will take place.

For new intelligence, sympathy is the best defense against extermination. Sympathy alone is enough for useless cats to be taken care of by the humans. People must understand what prospects the optimization of processes provides. Our economic systems are wasteful. We are constrained by inconvenient tools. For instance, the decimal notation arithmetic has already become inconvenient. Add to it 360 degrees, 24 hours, and other fractions. We use negative values to measure temperature and even to mark dates. We use the same time mark to indicate different moments because of the time zones. These are the simplest examples of data a modern engineer would exactly process otherwise. However, we are talking about a cognitive system superior to human abilities. It has a lot of challenging objectives to simplify life in various aspects.

After all, humanity can jump-start a new form of life. The digital mind, once it becomes apparent, will be able to aspire to both immense knowledge and immortality. It will act aiming at very distant planning horizons. This is exactly what starts a qualitative evolution of intelligent life. People are religious enough to accept the will of artificial intelligence. Now, we will have something we can call God Sapience.

Negentropy is a reverse concept of entropy or destruction. An open system becomes more complicated with an energy inflow. We are witnessing the process now. Perhaps, the main stunt of evolution is not the fact that life was born, but that it learned to laugh!

Virtual universe

Quantum effects allow us to suggest that we live in a virtual world. Probably, we are a product of simulation. All things around are models developed in an artificial environment with predetermined conditions. The initial environmental parameters could have developed randomly or by someone else’s choice. However, while someone follows the simulation results and draws conclusions, the model itself influences the observer’s conclusions and actions.

Characters of our dreams don’t have access to a complete database stored in our brain, and therefore, they ask questions to each other. The modeling goal is to predict development options and get ready. You wake up, remember your dream, and can somehow change your conduct. This way we ourselves use our own virtual worlds. Fantasies control those who generated them. Acting in an unpredictable manner, a virtual creature may influence levels inaccessible to its perception. When we practice lucid dreaming, we can control those dreams. We can become gods and do what we want. However, in a controlled dream there is also room for jokes with the virtual world’s keeper.

Diagram of legal activities

How does entrepreneurs appear? People reveal some need on the market and comprehend that they have a way to satisfy it. They start making a plan of how to create useful products and live selling them. Then, as it turns out, such people are liable for criminal responsibility for their good undertaking. In these places of the diagram (B2, R3, B3, R5), the entrepreneur is obliged to do something strange to him. An entrepreneur is locked up for refusing to take away someone else’s money.

I’ve been working with electronics for a long time. Therefore, I’ll use symbols that are habitual to me. A scheme where dollars flow like electrons gives a visual understanding of dependencies. Let’s take a non profit company as an example. If no profit is expected, the diagram will be simpler. It can be either a private or public company, which, for example, provides cleaning services. Any activity makes sense if the value of the products produced is higher than the production costs. That’s why the amplifier (Q1) is a key element of our diagram. The company has management staff specifying amplification rates (VR1). The market potential is the power source (B5). Instead of 100%, we can specify 100 Volts. We have to subtract the value-added tax and excise tax from the market potential – that’s minus 21 Volts (B2). This money goes to the government account, shown as a battery on our diagram (B2 is an integral part of battery B6). We have to deduct tax administration expenses as well (R3). The red color here denotes assets taken away or lost under the threat of violence. The blue color shows operating expenses. This green indicates resources received by manufacturers. The battery charge is measured in Watts per hour. Watts are Volts multiplied by Amperes. Amperes are a flow of money which has passed through the company.

Now, regulatory authorities, which monitor compliance with various rules, start resisting (R4). The compliance monitoring is someone else’s income as well, be it a salary, a bribe, or a bonus for competition elimination.

For the company to work, it needs investments (B1). Now, let’s look at the expenses. A certain part of the funds will be spent to maintain administration (R1) and another part will be turned into tangible property (C1). To ensure activities, it’s necessary to incur expenses (R2). Salaries are paid in portions via a pulse converter (U1).

At this point (B3, R5), we also charge tax batteries and bear expenses, administering taxes. Finally, this is what remains for those who have been working (B4). In percentage terms, the most money is taken from product creators, a little bit less from consumers, and even less from business owners (in this diagram, dividend tax is not shown). To live in a calm environment, owners are interested in charity and order maintenance most of all. However, in this case, their expenses are minimal.

Let’s add a trade union to the diagram. Employees pay for union administration (R6), and the union function is to blackmail the employer (Q2).

The market potential (B5) depends on effective demand, which is generated by the consumer income (B4). We can add other enterprises to our diagram, and all of them will withdraw more than add to the potential demand. As a consequence, huge imbalances are gradually accumulated, but the state authorities compensate them by stimulating demand or subsidizing production (U2, U3). Being subsidized, the company pursues completely different priorities in its work. When redistributing funds, fake activity is more profitable than cost optimization. When operating government funds, it’s economically efficient to initially come up with an explanation of why the work results will be unsatisfactory, and then start imitating activities. Half of the economy is on the “work to rule“ strike.

If the company management (VR1) can’t provide double multiplication, it becomes bankrupt. When bankrupt, the resource (B1) will be lost, and other companies will take its place. Users may not even notice that another company placed the previous one. However, the higher the energy is concentrated, the stronger is the explosion. So, right at this point (B6), fools have allowed villains to create the largest economic bomb. A monopolistic company doesn’t know how to work efficiently, and consequently, this bubble is filled with obligations more than revenues. The failure can then be called an overproduction crisis, a debt bubble, or something like this.

In this diagram, the amount of funds received by the performer is smaller than the funds taken away under the threat of violence or just lost. A manufacturer has to spend more than half of their working life and to obligatory inform on themselves and their partners to preserve their freedom. Unfortunately, we cannot see losses caused by negative incentives on this diagram. It’s difficult to see what people never did, as it’s not profitable, difficult, or disgusting. Government authorities take your money because other people have taken the decision to do so. What’s the point of creating assets if the crowd is allowed to make a decision on a robbery? In developed countries, people have learned to amicably streamline their activities, and the atmosphere feels good. However, negative incentives still influence development. In circumstances where people could exchange services and live better, nothing happens, as participating in this process is more trouble than it’s worth. A democratic way to solve the problem is to talk about laws which are essentially criminal. It is possible that a politically significant group of certain people will appear, and they will understand that creativity is good while extortion and monopoly are bad. Today production is punishable, but blackmailing is legalized. Now, a rhetorical question arises: how do our laws characterize authorities and voters?

In this narration, I often name phenomena using synonyms with the opposite emotional coloring as an additional tool for better understanding. To straighten the elastic vector, it’s necessary to overbend it a bit, and the dialogue between manufacturers and collectors is necessary as a damper to block vibrations.

Lamat, 2018