Active Gimbal is the controlled platform for the video-camera, provided with two rotation axles.
In case of the vertical installation with fastening from below or from above, it allows obtaining of the circular panorama and regulation of the tilt of the camera. In case of horizontal fastening, the gimbal allows achievement of active stabilization of the camera along the axles of the longitudinal tilt and lateral lurch. Additional electronic gyroscope is needed for active stabilization. 360 deg. rotation is possible for both axes. The control signal predetermines the rotational speed of camera independently on its position (upon the neutral signal, the camera remains immovable). The patented double servo-drive, assigned for soft rotation of the camera, is used. It will provide a more clear view. Buying the gimbal without servos you can install two or four digital servos Turnigy MG930. You can use the servomechanisms with the required modification: cyclic rotation / 180 degrees / double servo / usual servo.
> What does "double servo-drive" mean
Technical data:
Weight - 270 g (9,5oz)
Weight, including two servos - 320g (11.3oz)
Weight, including four servos - 370g (13oz)
Permissible mass of the photo/video-camera - 1000g (35oz)
Gear ratio - 4:1
Speed of rotation without the load - 100deg./sec
Average power consumption in neutral position with two double_servo_drives - 200mA
Maximal power consumption - 3A
The dimensions of the construction are indicated on the scheme